
Dr.-Ing. Christian Müller
Birthday: 29.07.1966
Nationality: German |
Methods and co-operation models for a computer supported human co-operation
in virtual organizations. On a technological level the focus is on the design
and development of advanced groupware applications, that are based on the
models mentioned above. |

10/1999 |
Doctoral thesis (Doktorarbeit)
University of Karlsruhe, Faculty of Architecture, Germany
Title: Der Virtuelle Projektraum - Organisatorisches Rapid Prototyping
in einer internetbasierten Telekooperationsplattform für Virtuelle
Unternehmen im Bauwesen
Grade: "Summa cum laude" |
2/1995 - 10/1999 |
Ph.D. at the
"Institut für Industrielle Bauproduktion" [ifib], Prof. Dr. N. Kohler
University of Karlsruhe, Germany.
Integrated Planning, CSCW,Groupware, Network Computing, Virtual Organization |
2/1993 - 12/1993 |
Master thesis (Diplomarbeit) at DISAM
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM); Spain
Grade: 1.0 (equivalent:excellent) |
9/1987 - 1/1994 |
Finished study of electrical engineering
University of Karlsruhe, Germany; Grade: 1,9
Focus on: digital electronics, information processing |

11/1999 - present |
Managing director of
kopsis GmbH
Internet Business Solutions |
2/1995 - 12/1999 |
Software project realization
with industrial partners and the ifib, Prof. N. Kohler
University of Karlsruhe, Germany
e.g. Groupware applications for architects, IT-platform for virtual organizations,
CD-ROM implementations |
12/1993-10/1997 |
System administration
at the Center for Art and Media [ZKM];
Karlsruhe, Germany
Network- and Database Management, User Support,
Consulting, Programming |
7/1994 - 2/1995 |
Scientific Research
at the Institute for Machinery in Construction [IMB], University of Karlsruhe, Prof. Dr. Gebauer
European research project(Esprit III): ROCCO |
10/1991 - 2/1993 |
Assistant research
at the IMB
Robot programming, kinematic simulation |
10/1989-1/1990 |
Engineering internship
Varta Batterie AG,
Ellwangen, Germany
Groupware, CSCW (Computer supported co-operative work),
Interactive Web-applications
By Platform:
Macintosh, WinNT,
Lotus NOTES .domino
Internet protocols, Intranet technologies, AppleTalk |
[mother tongue]
english, spanish
[fluent in written and spoken]
[basic skills] |